Comments on: Cookbooks Healthy Comfort Food Recipes Mon, 29 Apr 2024 20:05:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daleena Sat, 22 Jul 2017 14:07:53 +0000 In reply to Suzann.

Hi. Your post just sold me on this book. My apartment neighbor planted basil last year and it’s wonderful but didn’t know how to use it outside if sauces. Basil salad dressing? Sold. Going to the bookstore today.

By: Megan Gilmore Mon, 10 Jul 2017 02:09:12 +0000 In reply to Rosalie.

Hi Rosalie!

I’m sorry to hear that the cake didn’t work correctly. There isn’t a typo in that recipe, as I’ve received lots of good feedback about it from readers, but I’m happy to help you trouble shoot what could have gone wrong! Did you make any modifications with the oat flour or coconut sugar? Do you have an oven thermometer to make sure your oven temperature is correct before baking? Mine can be up to 50-degrees off when my oven “beeps” that it has reached the proper temperature, so sometimes that can cause issues if I don’t double check my extra thermometer.

I actually made a quick YouTube video to show what that batter looks like when baked, so maybe it will help:

By: Rosalie Mon, 10 Jul 2017 01:36:06 +0000 Hello,
I have both of your cookbooks and love them! You have done an awesome job of making healthy eating easy and attainable for everyone 🙂 I have given them to a few people, and they all enjoy!
However, I just had a bit of a “fail” with the vegan chocolate cake in no excuses detox, and am wondering if there is a typo in the book? The batter was way too runny and took over an hour and 15 minutes to cook, by which point the outside was pretty crisp! I am wondering if the water should be less than 3/4 of a cup?
Thanks for your help with this!

By: Mary Tue, 21 Jun 2016 14:59:23 +0000 Hi Meagan,

I have a shake every morning that combines fruit, dark greens, coconut water, and plant based protein powder. Since it has the protein powder, would this be an unacceptable combination? Thank you for your response. I just found your website and I am excited to learn more!

By: Di Tue, 14 Jun 2016 21:25:38 +0000 In reply to Megan Gilmore.

That is exciting. I really love the shopping list feature and meal plans. I was spending so much time trying to plan out my meals and shopping list.

By: Megan Gilmore Tue, 14 Jun 2016 21:17:46 +0000 In reply to Di.

I might in the future! My next book will have 3 weeks of meal plans with shopping lists included, so that will be something to look forward to as well. 🙂

By: Di Tue, 14 Jun 2016 21:06:09 +0000 Hi Megan,

I just started the 7-day plan and found that you had created a 21-day plan as well which I look forward to trying. In your cookbook, you have the list of ingredients for the week but I don’t see it in the 21-day plan. Is that something you would consider putting together for each week?

By: Megan Gilmore Mon, 23 May 2016 18:55:07 +0000 In reply to Kerrie.

I’m sorry to hear that! You can use the chart here for reference:

By: Kerrie Mon, 23 May 2016 15:14:24 +0000 I bought this book on for my nook. Unfortunately, I am not able to see the four basic food groups, its just an empty page. Can you tell me what they are? Thanks

By: Amber Sat, 21 May 2016 16:36:59 +0000 Totally loved your pancake recipe! The line that said “throw it all in the blender” is what drew me in on a homeschool morning (which I would generally not attempt pancakes because of cook & clean-up time). The whole family loved them topping free.

By: Julie Thu, 21 Apr 2016 13:06:11 +0000 I am a cookbook collector. I love to read through recipes and get ideas for when I cook. I rarely follow a recipe from AtoZ and a lot of times I just don’t have the time or patience to make what is in my vegan/veggie/ethnic cookbook collection. However, I have been totally impressed with Everyday Detox and have tried about half the easy recipes already and have made a few many times! With just a few ingredients and steps anyone can create a wonderful, healthy meal at home and this is what makes this book so special. It appeals to a broad audience with healthy, unfussy recipes in a easy to read and find format. It also is not strictly vegan or vegetarian (some fish recipes) which is exactly how I eat. It is THE book I go to whenever I want to eat simple, healthy food! Can’t wait for your new book!

By: Megan Gilmore Sat, 16 Apr 2016 19:08:14 +0000 In reply to Teri Soares.

It’s VERY difficult to get a book in Target, so as far as I know, they won’t be carrying it anytime soon. You’re best bet is probably ordering on Amazon, since they’re always a lot cheaper!
